If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!!
Man, when I don't do my Sunday meal planning and shopping/chopping adventure, it REALLY screws me up for the rest of the week. You have to plan to be Paleo. If you don't, you are left with very few choices. Luckily, I was able to stay on plan, but there were several times where I just didn't eat enough. Not good for your blood sugar at all. The goal is for insulin levels to remain constant.
Meal # 1: Scrambled egg whites with spinach and organic tomato salsa; (1) small pork chop; (1) tbs. sunbutter
Eggs were delicious; pork was okay. Sunbutter was eaten by itself, and was just to add some fat to the meal. Really helps because I didn't get hungry again for about three hours.
Meal # 2: Nectarine; 1 oz. unsalted almonds
Good fat, good carb, no protein. Not a perfect meal. And I was hungry less than an hour later.
Meal # 3: Pork chop; leftover tomato/cucumber salad from Tue. night dinner
Probably wasn't enough olive oil on the salad to be a full serving of fat for this meal. Should be about 30% of my calories. Missed again. Still paleo, just not great planning.
Meal # 4: 1 oz. unsalted almonds
Totally not enough calories. Very little protein and no carb. BAD PLANNING!! It was all I had at my desk.
Meal # 5: Apple with Sunbutter
Had this as soon as I walked in the door from work. Knew I wouldn't make it do dinner without something. And I was squeezing in a workout too.
Meal # 6: Voodoo Mahi Mahi (very spicy); chicken marsala; salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and vinaigrette dressing; mixed vegetables; water
Another team dinner. Paleo choices ... other than the sauces they used on the meat, which I'm sure had some combination of sugar, butter, flour, soy products, preservatives, etc. But the amounts are so small, I'm not going to get bent out of shape about the occasional non-Paleo condiment.
Workout: Row 3,000 meters
Side note: I'm really tired of getting up every 10 seconds to pee. Just FYI.
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