Sunday, June 14, 2009

Days 5, 6, 7 - Paleo is HARD on the weekend!

Day 5 - Friday
It's Sunday night right now, as I type this ... so I'm not entirely sure what I had for breakfast on Friay. But I do know it was paleo. Think scrambled egg whites and some kind of fruit.

Lunch - birthday lunch for a coworker = sushi. Open Meal #3 for the week. I hope nobody out there actually eats sushi thinking it's good for them. I suppose it depends on the type. But with the white rice, fried shrimp/grouper, creamy sauces and cream cheese that are so prevalent in many of the rolls, it is a calorie fest!! And that edamame? SALTY LEGUMES. Double whammy. It's all totally delicious. Just not worthy of a pat on the back. Definitely a "cheat" meal.

Oh, and then around 3:00, we had a small piece of cake to continue the celebration. I mean, why stop at lunch? Let the cheating continue.

I rationalized my indiscretions because I knew later that evening I would be running 3.3 miles through soft beach sand, hills, and obstacles at the Picnic Island Adventure Race. I did okay. Shaved a minute off my time from the last one we did in May. But I should have shaved more. The course was faster this time. The City of Tampa shut down the water portion of the race due to an unacceptable bacteria level. Last time, we ended the race with a sludge through waist-deep ocean water. This time, we were either on soft sand or solid ground. Should have made up more than a minute. I felt slow and cranky. Maybe because it was a Friday night after a long week at work. Or maybe because I was going into a race on a belly full of empty carbohydrates. Oh well. We'll do it again in July and I'll be better prepared.

Dinner - Courtside Grill (TO GO; we were quite a sight): salad with peppers, onion, tomatoes, craisins, gorgonzola cheese, walnut-crusted tuna steak, balsamic vinaigrette and blueberry preserves. (Except for the cheese and the prepared dressings, this would have been on-plan. We'll call this one "Paleo-ish")

Day 6 - Saturday
Breakfast: Coffee with hazelnut creamer; omelette with spinach, mushrooms and tomatoes
Lunch: Leftover bowl of chicken vegetable soup (last serving from the batch I made earlier in the week)
Snack: One piece wheat bread with almond butter and blueberry preserves (Not at all Paleo, but wanted something quick, and at least I sub'd almond butter for peanut butter)
Dinner: Cantina! Yum. Chips and guacamole; one chicken soft taco on small corn tortilla; one fish soft taco on small corn tortilla; 2 hibiscus margaritas (Definitely Open Meal #4 ... the count is creeping up)

Day 7 - Sunday
Breakfast: Panera coffee with half & half and Splenda; fried egg sandwich on ciabatta roll with Vermont cheddar cheese; 2 bites of Eric's strawberry cream-cheese danish (Open Meal #5)
Lunch: Evos buffalo chicken wrap; air fries; Diet Coke (Um ... Open Meal #6)
Dinner: Ciccio's Basic Bowl - brown rice, lettuce, broccoli, chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, balsamic vinagrette (This is another one of those "Paleo-ish" meals ... just the brown rice and bottled dressing disqualified it. And P.S. - I am having some serious tummy issues right now. Maybe the rice just wasn't worth it.)

BUT! I did go to the grocery store tonight and have all my meals and snacks planned for the upcoming week. Very much looking forward to getting back on track!! I really do like eating this way. Weekends are just busy and we eat out WAY too much. But check out the beautiful bounty that is Paleo! Almost makes me want to cry, it's so pretty. :) Here's to a healthy week!


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