Saturday, October 17, 2009

What's going on with the new business?

Very little blogging lately. Lots going on. But my intention with starting this thing was to chronicle my journey with the Paleo Diet, logging my daily meals, snacks and workouts. Turns out, "daily" was ambitious. Anyway, lots on my mind right now. Lots of questions from friends/family. Figure this is as good a place as any to answer them.

What's the update with the kid fitness thing?
Okay, so most of you know, I am a certified CrossFit Level I and CrossFit Kids trainer. I've started a new business called CrazyFit (, and have teamed up with an awesome CrossFit gym in St. Pete ( to start a CrossFit Kids program at their facility. It was supposed to kick off with the start of the new school year, around the first of September. Well, turns out the insurance carrier who covers the gym would not add an additional policy specifically naming the CrossFit Kids program. And that is what is required by CrossFit Kids headquarters in order for us to "affiliate" (or legally run a program by that name). So, I've been working with the CF St. Pete gym owner to find a new provider to insure us for CFKids. After many failed attempts (it's impossible to get anybody to insure ANYTHING in Florida), we finally found one who would do it. Problem is, we've been going round and round with these two ladies who are working on our case for over a month now just to get a flippin' quote!!! I'm so over them, and am trying really hard not to be ugly in our e-mail conversations. Considering a phone call to the director of their department on Monday morning. Without insurance, we cannot affiliate. Without affiliating, we cannot start the kids classes. I still have my fingers crossed for starting sometime in November. We'll see. I truly believe that this is a God-blessed new direction for my life. Please pray that if it really is in his plans that this new business takes off, that the doors will keep opening.

Where did "Booger Goes Caveman" come from?
LOL. I know. Gross, huh? Well, at our gym, we all have nicknames that we use on our blog to record daily workouts, times, performance, etc. Not sure how the tradition started; it was before I joined the group. But really fun to kind of have this character to portray when you're in the gym and with your gym friends. (And we're together A LOT. It's one of my favorite things about the CrossFit community. Do you get together once a month for dinner and wine with all the ladies that work out at Gold's Gym or Lifestyles? No? Oh. We do. Do you enter races together as a team and all wear matching shirts to run through the sand and palmettos at sunset on a Friday night? No? Oh. We do. Do you go kayaking together in groups of 20 or more? No? Oh. We do. How about team scavenger hunts? Halloween parties? Anniversary parties to mark all the years you've been working out together? No? None of that? Oh. We do. LOL. Sorry. Don't mean to rub it in. But the good news is - it's not an exclusive club. Anybody can join!! In fact, we love it when new people come into the fold!! LOVE IT.) But I digress ... the nicknames. So, at our last anniversary party, we started taking nominations for the new people who didn't have nicknames yet. Two rules - someone else has to think of it; and you have to hate it. My good friend Sam decides Booger would be a great name for someone who works with kids. My face said it all - it passed both rule # 1 and rule # 2. But, truth be told, the kids think it's pretty funny, and it's kind of grown on me too now.

Caveman is a reference to the Paleo Diet that I follow. I'd say I'm roughly 75% on, 25% off. It was more like 90/10 when I first started, but now that I'm 6 mo. pregnant, I notice I allow myself more indiscretions than I used to. But I'm not proud of that. I want to fuel this baby with as much good stuff as possible. And I want to be a good example to the people who are following what I eat. So, really I've got to be more diligent. But in a nutshell, the Paleo Diet refers to the Paleolithic time period when humans were still uncivilized cavemen. They hunted their meat and foraged for edible plants (vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds). The studies of their remains, drawings and tools indicate hardly any disease at all. Not even tooth decay. And it's not like they had toothbrushes. Likewise, studies of existing hunter/gatherer populations today (roughly 100 around the globe) show similar findings - 80 year olds as active and strong as their teenage descendants. No cancer. No diabetes. No heart disease. Also - no fiber bars, no treadmills, no vitamin supplements, no dumbbells. So, what's their secret? Loren Cordain, who authored The Paleo Diet, and his team of researchers believe it's a diet free of dairy, gluten and sugar. After everything I've read on all sides of the issue (and I'm still reading), I can't seem to argue with them. There will be lots more on this issue on my site when it's finished at

Did I hear you're recording an album?
haha, yes. Sounds stupid, doesn't it? Like Scarlett Johansen or Lindsey Lohan. Actually, worse really, because they're already famous. However, I have been singing, acting and dancing since I was little (mostly singing) and though it's not something I believe God has in store for me as a primary career, it's something that makes me feel completely alive and that I hope to always do in some capacity. I don't dream of becoming some famous recording artist with concert dates and tour schedules. I just dream of singing. In the shower, in my car ... um, at work. :) It's true. I must annoy the crap out of my poor cubemates. I know I annoy my husband. Anything you say, I can think of a song with those words and before I know it, it just comes out!! So, as I'm launching this CrazyFit business, I have all these big ideas for how I can inspire and motivate kids, teens, and families to learn more about what their bodies need and how to make good choices every day that will make them healthier, help them live longer, protect them from illness, become more confident in everyday life ... even, love and believe in themselves more. I'm thinking of illustrated children's books, how-to books for parents, family cookbooks and meal plans, cute workout apparel that lets my kids express how strong and confident they are ... and yes, an album, with a pop/urban feel that's relevant and modern, but with lyrics that make you want to work hard and be proud of who you are. I want to say to the kids I work with everything I hope to teach my own child. And maybe if I wrap it around some cool music, they won't mind listening. I've already seen God's hand working in this project. There is an incredibly gifted singer/songwriter/producer who sits on my team at Tech Data (in stuffy old Corporate America) that I've worked with to record the first track already. What are the odds of that?! We work at the same company, and out of THOSE 2,000 people, we sit on the same team. It's an incredible blessing that we even met. And now we're working together to create a project we both believe in 100%. We wanted it out by Christmas, but it's expensive to go into the studio and record, so I'm having to space out the tracks. We're writing a total of 6 songs. The first one is almost through recording, but we'll probably have to put the other 5 tracks on hold until after the baby. When we pick back up in the spring, we hope to have it recorded, packaged, and ready for online sale within a month.

So, that's the update. It's all very exciting, I could almost cry when I think about it. But that excitement can also be excruciating. Like sitting on the steps at midnight waiting for Santa to come ... only, it's July. Long way to go.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tuscan Chicken "stir-fry"

Sorry again ... man, I've been inconsistent lately. If I miss just ONE day of blogging, I'm off the wagon. But then I get re-energized every time somebody says, "Hey! You haven't updated the blog in a few days! What gives?" I forget people actually read this. :-)

Oh - and one reader in particular (I won't call you out) goes, "I read your blog every day but I would never do all that. I don't cook." WELL!! ...... Okay, two things.

(1) I'm no gourmet. I don't use recipes. I don't use a lot of ingredients. I just get an idea for something that sounds good and I cut up some stuff, throw it in a pan or on the grill, and we eat it. No magic. Anybody can do what I do. And the more you tinker in the kitchen, the more ideas you get and the more confident you feel. (And the quicker and more efficient you get too). I will tell you - the right toys make all the difference. I have a huge cutting board I love, a SUPER-sharp knife from Williams-Sonoma, and two very nice nonstick Calphalon pans. I've collected these things over time. Would be expensive to buy them all at once. But I tell you what ... like a cute outfit makes you workout harder ... nice kitchen stuff makes it way more fun to cook. And you DO get what you pay for.

(2) Cooking is really important to taking control of your life and your health. I'm sorry. I don't care if you're a grown man who never made so much as scrambled eggs for himself ... if you're a poor college student ... if you're a crazy-busy mom ... it doesn't matter. You owe it to yourself (and to your family if you're a spouse or parent - either gender) to take control over what goes in your body. The only way to do that is to prepare your meals yourself. Every box and package you can avoid from the store is one less preservative, chemical, and additive that goes in your system.

So, on to the log for today - Monday, Sept. 28:
Meal #1: 2 pcs nitrate-free bacon; 2 omega-3 eggs, over hard; 1/2 a pear; water

Meal #2: Celery with Sunbutter; water

Meal #3: Mixed greens, spinach, romaine lettuces w/ 1 can of tuna, 1/2 a tomato, cucumber, and organic vinaigrette dressing; water
*I bought bagged spring mix, baby spinach and romaine lettuces at the store this weekend, then chopped up each kind (on my big cutting board with my big knife) and mixed them all in a big tupperware to keep in the fridge for easy, on-the-go salads.

Meal #4: Meat from 2 small quail drizzled with olive oil; 1 small apple
*My family goes on a big quail shoot in Alabama every Christmas, so I have a freezer full of wild game (no antibiotics, no weird diet, no questionable processing methods) brought home by my fearless hunter hubby. :-) I know not everybody has this luxury (or would want it), but the point is - find the most natural, humanely treated, organically raised meat you can for the healthiest dose of protein without the crap.

Meal #5: Tuscan Chicken "stir-fry" - chicken breast w/ Mrs. Dash tomato basil seasoning; broccoli/carrots, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic and capers
*So easy. I was in the mood for Italian, so I made something up. Seared a chicken breast in some olive oil and salt-free Mrs. Dash, then cut it into strips, and added back to the pan. Steamed a bag of broccoli/carrots in the microwave for a couple minutes, then added the veggies to the pan too with some sun-dried tomatoes, capers I had leftover from last week, and a little garlic (I buy it pre-chopped, in a jar). Seriously, took about 10 minutes. And sooooo yummy. Does this look gourmet to you?? You can do it!!! :-) And who needs the pasta? I don't even miss it. This was delicious.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yummy cabbage!

Who knew I liked cabbage? Experimented tonight, and it was really good!!

Wednesday log

Meal #1: Scrambled egg whites w/ 2 pcs nitrate -free bacon crumbled in and sun-dried tomatoes; coffee w/ pumpkin spice creamer

Workout: 30 min. walk w/ Parker (threw in a couple minutes of jogging just to keep the muscle memory alive)

Meal #2: 1 oz. natural almonds; 1 kiwi fruit
I love kiwi. :)

Meal #3: Leftover buffalo chili from last night

Meal #4: 1/2 a very large turkey breast on the grill; sauteed cabbage w/ red onion and bacon
Threw together a quick marinade this morning and left the turkey in the fridge all day. Very easy and very good! Juice of 1 orange, then cut up the rind and left it in there; lime juice; garlic; oregano; apple cider vinegar; olive oil
Oh! And guess what all I passed up today? Marble Slab ice cream (my fave) and birthday cupcakes for a friend. Yay me!

Diet as prescription? How about diet as PREVENTION!

Ever had a friend or family member with a health issue (anything from tummy issues to arthritis to ADD) and a doctor suggests changing their diet? Typically eliminating either grains, dairy, processed food, or all three. Boy, I sure have. In her books, Jenny McCarthy details how her own experiments with her son Evan's diet dramatically alleviated his autistic behaviors. Of course, he still has autism. And of course, she combined these dietetic changes with behavioral therapy. But she'll be the first to say she's convinced that eliminating grains and dairy from his diet produced a completely different child. I have PLENTY of stories like that from people in my own life.

So, doctors are really smart people, right? I'm related to a couple. Friends with many more. They're really smart, typically very caring people. They want us to be healthy and live long healthy lives. So, for me, this begs a question. If in many situations doctors think it's a good idea to eliminate grains, dairy and/or processed food to alleviate symptoms of disease, then why do so many of them preach a diet of 6 - 11 daily servings of grains, 2 - 3 daily servings of dairy, and no ban on processed food as long as it is low-fat?

Unfortunately, I think I have the answer. The April 2009 issue of The American Journal of Cinical Nutrition found that "the amount of nutrition education in medical schools remains inadequate." Doctors know a lot more about pharmaceuticals than they do about nutrition. That's not a judgment. I don't know anything about auto mechanics. No biggie. I didn't go to school for it. So if not doctors, then who should we be listening to about what to eat in order to, ahem, live long and prosper? Dieticians? They went to A LOT of school to learn about nutrition. Okay, schools accredited by whom? -- by the American Dietetic Association. The ADA. The preeminent institution for nutrition research and recommendation. Question: Who funds their research? The official Web site for the ADA is If you go to their Food & Nutrition Information section, you will find fact sheets on all things deemed "healthy." Open any one of these fact sheets and scroll down to the bottom right corner to see who "sponsored" (paid them for) that document. Barley: A Healthy Heart Solution provided by ... The National Barley Foods Council. Diglyceride-Rich Oils (such as soybean, corn and peanut oils) provided by ... Enova Brand Oil. The Benefits of Chewing Gum provided by ... Wrigley Science Institute (sound familiar? As in Wrigley's spearmint gum?). Notice a trend?

The ADA is not evil. On the contrary, I think they truly exist to make our nation healthier. The problem here is not motive. The problem is integrity. I don't have a solution for them. Because I don't know where else they would get the money to fund their research and public relations but taking money from FOR-PROFIT organizations completely dilutes their message. Affiliating with special interest groups of any kind makes everything you say suspect.

I don't know for sure that Paleo is the exact right prescription for our bodies. But I am damn sure the Food Pyramid isn't it. I will keep digging and keep you posted on my opinions. I know you're on the edge of your seat. :-)

Tuesday log
Meal #1: Coffee with pumpkin spice creamer; scrambled omega-3 eggs with 1/2 an avocado, organic tomato salsa; 1 fresh mango
Coffee creamer is my non-negotiable Paleo indiscretion. And I don't care.

Workout: Walked Parker 30 minutes
I haven't been including this as my workout, but I walk the dog for a half-hour every morning, and that totally counts!!

Meal #2: 1 oz. natural almonds (unsalted); 1 small box raisins

Meal #3: Leftover tuscan soup (veg broth, tomatoes, sausage, spinach, cauliflower)
Meal #4: Tomato, cucumber, avocado salad w/ olive oil, lime
juice, a little salt and pepper; rotisserie chicken breast
Again, it gives me a little heartburn to buy grocery store rotisserie chickens because I know they come from wretched conditions, but it's just so much more convenient and cost-effective than buying and cooking organic poultry each week. I am ashamed!!

Meal #5: Chili w/ free-range buffalo meat, green bell pepper, red onion, canned diced tomatoes, chili powder, cumin, crushed red pepper
I also tried to make "cauli-rice" to go with this ... cauliflower in the food processor then microwaved and fluffed like rice. It looks good on the Internet. In real life, it's very stinky. I ate it with my chili for dinner but threw away the leftovers.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Why am I crying?

First things first ... my bad y'all, on last week's silence. Lost momentum with Labor Day weekend and one missed blog turned into 10! Oy.

Now, I had a pretty perfect Paleo day today. All planned meals and a CrossFit Mom workout to end the evening. So why am I crying?!?! Let me start by saying I love that the baby is growing. And when he does, so must I. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing and I really do wear it with pride. But let me just vent for a second ...

My boobs are huge. Not in the enviable Victoria's Secret way either. More like a page out of National Geographic. Is this really necessary? Also, in the right light (or when sitting Indian style), I'm beginning to notice cellulite on my legs. I know for a fact this is due to too much cheating on Paleo and too many missed workouts. The lumpy appearance of excess body fat is raring its ugly head. This is not okay with me. I must revisit my dedication to "the plan." So, this disappointment in myself coupled with the fact that I physically could not complete my workout tonight = crying in the shower. My hands simply ripped on the pull-up bar. This has happened before. And I do not cry every time. I guess I just felt very defeated, and no one to blame but myself.

I have a lot of really great cheerleaders out there who say, "Now is the time you can eat whatever you want." "Now is the one time you don't have to worry about your body - enjoy it." If you've said these things to me, know that I love you and truly appreciate the support. However, I think this is an unintentional form of sabotage. Pregnancy doesn't give you a license to completely change your lifestyle. If anything, I think I have even MORE of a responsibility to take care of my body. Someone else's little body is growing and developing in there!! He's feeding off or suffering from everything I do. I don't mean to be dramatic about it, but that really is a great deal of responsibility and I don't take it lightly.

So for the sake of the little one, and for the sake of the medical staff who will spend a day in February looking very closely at my thighs, I am renewing my vows to Paleo and CrossFit. 5x a week or bust!! :)

Meal # 1: 2 omega-3 scrambled eggs with added egg whites and green onions; bowl of fresh berries
Meal # 2: Apple with Sunbutter
Meal # 3: Romaine and spinach salad with boiled chicken breast, sauteed red/yellow peppers, olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Meal # 4: Homemade trail mix with almonds, walnuts, blueberries and mixed dried fruit (looked for variety with lowest sugar - 23g per 1/4 cup)
Meal # 5: Tuscan soup made with low-sodium vegetable broth, canned diced tomatoes, hot Italian pork sausage, fresh spinach leaves, chopped cauliflower
I added a little salt while it was all simmering together, but really the sausage provided plenty of heat and flavor all by itself. Next time will use kale vs. spinach for better texture.
Workout: 3 rounds of 15 pull-ups (medium assistance band), 15 lunges each leg, 15 knees-to-elbows on pull-up bar ... prescribed workout was 4 rounds. I did 8 of the pull-ups, all of the lunges and none of the K2E in the 4th round.
Meal # 6: Carrots and celery with organic blue cheese dressing

I spent too long venting about my foul mood today ... but I have a soapbox to hop on tomorrow about diet and the correlation to disease. Nite nite!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Finally, a pretty perfect Paleo day

Meal # 1: 1 omega-3 enriched egg, scrambled with some added egg whites, spinach, onion, sun-dried tomatoes, and 1 pc. nitrate-free bacon crumbled on top

Meal # 2: Apple with Sunbutter

Meal # 3: Panera Greek salad with chicken, olives, tomatoes, red onion. No feta.

Meal # 4: Leftover tilapia fillet and broccoli/carrots

Meal # 5: Mexican hash with homemade guacamole and organic store-bought salsa
Hash = Organic ground beef sauteed in olive oil with garlic, onion, shredded zucchini, shredded carrots, cumin, chili powder, paprika, crushed red pepper, and ... you guessed it, my favorite ... fresh cilantro! Guac was 1 whole avocado, mashed, with more fresh cilantro, lime juice and a bit of salt and pepper. No added salt to meat dish, though. Got this recipe off a Paleo blog and it was really, really good!!

Workout: Warmup = 20 min. walk w/ Parker; Workout = AMRAP in 15 min. of 4 pull ups (medium assistance band), 4 dips (on rings, with feet on floor), 8 push-ups (on knees), 12 kettlebell swings (6 each arm; only have a 15 lb KB at home) ... Got 6 rounds of 4-4-8-12 + 3 pull-ups.

Boy, for my athletic ladies out there, be prepared to lose a significant amount of strength when you get pregnant. I don't know if it's the extra weight (13 lbs so far), the extra blood volume, or what - but I am not the same athlete I was four months ago. It's a little frustrating to feel so weak, but Eric is great about reminding me that my body's only job right now is to make a baby. Any of the workouts I do now are primarily to preserve my muscle memory for when I get back after it post-partum, to keep joints lubricated, heart strong, etc. Not out to make any gains right now.

As for the diet, I wanted to address some FAQ's I've been getting lately on Paleo, but I'm too tired now. Will shoot for this weekend. Nite nite!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Videos speak 1,000 words

Did you read my post from Saturday where I sent Eric out for coffee but said don't get food, I'll make it here? I was so proud. Well, today was a different day. He was running late; I was staying home. I went out for coffee, and I succumbed to the drive-thru.

HOWEVER, these kinds of "convenience decisions," as you know, are not typical, and I still feel very strongly about the Paleo way of life, as well as the CrossFit way of exercising. I get a lot of GRIEF (you know who you are), a few arguments, but mostly questions about why I do what I do. These two videos sum up perfectly what I believe concerning diet and exercise and how we were meant to live. Enjoy and feel free to disagree! That is the beauty of this glorious free nation! :-)

Why Paleo:
Why CrossFit:

Meal # 1: McDonald's mocha latte (no whipped cream ... hey, save on sugar where you can); Egg McMuffin [insert sad face]

Meal # 2: Leftover salad with veggies and 3 oz. can of tuna, olive oil and vinegar
So glad I made that big salad with all those chopped veggies the other night. I have gotten so much use out of that. And I only chopped once! Also, I rinse the tuna really well to try to wash off as much of the sodium as possible.

Meal # 3: Tilapia with blackening seasoning and lemon juice; broccoli and shredded carrots in olive oil - little bit of salt and pepper
Going much easier on the salt than before. Trying to transition to not adding any at all to food I prepare.